Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Back once again

Guess who's back,
back again?


I'm back.

 JP (AKA somersetchef), not that I have really been anywhere.

 But back I am.

The last couple of years have proven to be a really tough portion of my life, what with the workload gaining massively, the introduction of CandyShack Mill, family life and a general feeling of too low in energy at the end of the long days to interact via Blog, and no time to Tweet during the working day. I had, to be honest, taken on too much. 

Health may have also been a factor, with poor diet, smoking and drinking (often) taking its toll on the system, adding to the lathargic state I had become encased in. 

The work had taken its pound of flesh too. After becoming Freelance, I accepted every job available, not wishing to let anyone down. I found myself juggling dates with Family life and the new Business, unable to please either often. Then I became set in one of the venues I was working at. Issue after issue was arising, and I felt by giving more of my time was the fair thing to do until stability reigned. Two and a half years later, on a low wage for a Freelancer and working from morning to late night non stop, Stability may just be around the corner and my services will at last be a non requirement.

It has been one of the most hard to work in, most frustrating places I have had to endure. And although I have enjoyed the challenges that in itself throws up, I find that one vital element is sorely lacking in what I am doing.

I am support, not the Head Chef. I support the constant requirements of the Owners, the newly appointed staff members (of which there has been numerous) and most importantly, the Head Chef (of which there has been a few). My title had been likened to that of a Supplier and Consultant. This in itself makes me yearn to do what I am good at, to do what comes naturally, and to do what made me become somersetchef - Prolific Tweeter and Blogger.

Head up my own Kitchen.

Recently, I was approched by someone I had never met nor spoken to, who introduced me to an opportunity and Head Chef Position that was being advertised by a Landlord of a Dorset Public House He frequented.

After a series of e-mails, we had arranged a meeting with the Landlord, a casual chat/interview to find out about each other, the business, and the position.

To say the meeting ended on a positive would do it an injustice.

After spending so much time ensconced in the trenches of five-six, fifteen hour days, I suddenly found myself in a new setting more akin to where I love to be, and realise that rather than aiding others in a role created to suit the unique business management, I would be far happier facing the challenges of a kitchen at its helm. I had become so knitted into the fabric of where I was that I neglected to realise I had allowed myself to become a mentor, confidant and Kitchen Morale Mascot, serving up other people's food and creating mine there under someone elses name (some of the dishes I created were certainly some of the best I ever did). And I'm not being ungrateful, nor big headed. I got the opportunity to work with and for some amazing people who have certainly taught me new skills and techniques, but I miss everything that comes with being in sole charge of a kitchen, it's brigade and business elements.

I recieved an official offer of the Head Chef position, and have since handed in my notice at the other Business. There is a long notice period that I have to see through, but I am already ingraining myself with my future 'Home' weekly, preparing plans, menus, special dishes and looking at strengthening the team within the Kitchen. 

And suddenly I am back. Tweeting much more often, getting excited about my style of food, and Blogging. Look! I am actually Blogging again!

There are so many careers out there that can suck you in and make you lose yourself snd your way, no doubt. But I can only speak with confidance about this humble trade we call Hospitality and Catering.

To anyone, who is deep within the trenches without sunlight and a change of scene. STOP.
Just for a small while. Go somewhere. Look around you. And make sure you can feel that Sunlight warm your face.

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